Of Misery and Circumstances...
"The greatest part of our happiness and misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances."
- Martha Washington
I just wonder how things can get so complicated sometimes...
Is there really a point of no return? Of no recovery? Are burned bridges always burned? Can a person really forgive someone else? Or is it really an act of divinity to be able to let things go? How can we move on? How can we believe in forgiveness if we cannot seem to be forgiven?
And what does it mean to really love someone? Is it to allow them to make mistakes so they learn for themselves, no matter the cost? Or is it to intervene and help them see a side of life they cannot see on their own? Or is it to accept them with all their faults, no matter how many times you have to forgive those faults? Is it not human to get tired after a while? To give up? To throw your hands above your head and wonder why you ever gave them a second chance to begin with?
These questions do not disappear as we get older. In fact, they just seem to become harder and harder to ignore.
We are blind to everyone's misery but our own.
And in that blindness, we claw at whatever nears us -
Not realizing that in the end it is only ground.
And the dirt beneath our fingernails is not
What others could not provide for us,
But our own fears and discomforts -
Our very own problems that,
When piled atop one another
Are simply the makings of a grave,
And not salvation.
- Martha Washington
I just wonder how things can get so complicated sometimes...
Is there really a point of no return? Of no recovery? Are burned bridges always burned? Can a person really forgive someone else? Or is it really an act of divinity to be able to let things go? How can we move on? How can we believe in forgiveness if we cannot seem to be forgiven?
And what does it mean to really love someone? Is it to allow them to make mistakes so they learn for themselves, no matter the cost? Or is it to intervene and help them see a side of life they cannot see on their own? Or is it to accept them with all their faults, no matter how many times you have to forgive those faults? Is it not human to get tired after a while? To give up? To throw your hands above your head and wonder why you ever gave them a second chance to begin with?
These questions do not disappear as we get older. In fact, they just seem to become harder and harder to ignore.
We are blind to everyone's misery but our own.
And in that blindness, we claw at whatever nears us -
Not realizing that in the end it is only ground.
And the dirt beneath our fingernails is not
What others could not provide for us,
But our own fears and discomforts -
Our very own problems that,
When piled atop one another
Are simply the makings of a grave,
And not salvation.