Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If You Can't Take the Heat...

So yes. Today is hot. Even hotter than yesterday, if that's possible. It MAY even be hotter tomorrow. Who knows?

But I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of this: IT'S SUMMER!! Remember how positively MISERABLE we all were this past winter?? "When will it stop snowing and blowing and freezing and raining?" was all we could ask each other. All that slush and traffic and wind and cold...sure, it sounds appealing now that it's 100% humidity and 94 degrees. But before it even hit February, we were all hoping and wishing for summer to come. Now it's here, and we're all complaining! I just find it amusing, that's all. I'm not really mad. I swear.

I, personally, LOVE the summer. I really do like the heat and the sunshine and the tickles of the cool breezes that grace our sweaty exteriors once a day if we're lucky. I love drinking lemonade, and eating ice cream, ooh, and especially going to the beach and jumping into freezing cold lake or ocean water - it's the sort of thing that makes you really feel alive, doesn't it?? I think that as we grow up, we forget to have picnics and take field trips and chase fireflies and play games outside like we did when we were kids. Too much else on our minds...we have places to be, and things to do. And I guess there aren't really many fireflies in the city...

Anyway, I think we should all try to have a little bit of summer vacation in our summer, don't you? I want to be a kid again for just one day, and do something positively silly and fun. So I think I'll do that this week. If you see someone hooking up a Slip 'N' Slide on the Comm. Ave. mall, don't be surprised. Just grab yer' swimmin' trunks...


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